Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trying this out- first post

I just typed out this huge posting saying all of these very stereotypical things about someone who is going on a trip but I decided to erase it. How I'm scared and nervous blah blah blah. But as much as I write about it I realize I can't change or predict my experience there. So I'll save that for later. Since I'm leaving a month from today I figured that I should set this up sooner than later. I'm not really sure why I'm setting it up or what I hope to get out of it or if I intend for my friends to post responses to my postings. I do hope that it's an amazing nine months. Of course it's going to be hard in the beginning and I'm going to miss everyone intensely, especially my mom. So here it goes. I'll try to post pictures and some good stories and try not to make this blog mildly interesting. I want my friends to take a look at it once in a while and not forget me. Visit my mom if you can, since the thought of her being alone pains me. I mean, she has friends and stuff but I know it's going to take a lot for her to adjust and seeing my friends might alleviate the situation. So enough babel, I hope whatever this plain may be works. I hope everyone stays in touch and not just for the first couple of weeks!
ps. for those who don't know I'm going to be living in Jinan.
It's not the most beautiful of cities but I I'll try to travel around the area.


  1. so whens your going away party will??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. added you to my RSS feed so you better update often :) It's a shame we never really did anything after high school together, so when you get back we have to hang and discuss how amazing China is and how jealous I am that you're going.
